This is our World, which is so beautiful & Precious

This is our World, which is so beautiful & Precious
Feel the cool air passing you
Smell the fragrance of the near by meadows 
Touch the Earth, Kneel down
A little bit of the prayer
Thank you God!! 
I can see the beautiful blue sky
With Sun Shining  high
I can feel it's warmth
I can hear the Bees buzzing by
Sucking the nectar of the beautiful colorful flowers
Feel it, feel it feel the Earth
So beautiful and precious 
Only once in a life time We will
Feel it,Smell it, Touch it
Then why "O" why so much
Pain and hatred for one another
Isn't their a way ..Where we all
Can live in Peace and Harmony !!

Written by Tila Shrimanker
05 23 2017